We Are a Stephen Ministry Church!
Life is full of difficult seasons - divorce, the loss of a loved one, chronic illness, job loss - and our church wants to walk alongside you in these times. Stephen Ministers are trained to provide support in a caring, confidential way. A Stephen Minister is a compassionate companion, a trained member of our church who will meet with you regularly to listen and provide support. As needed, Stephen Ministers can help connect you to lay or professional counselors if you have longer-term challenges.
We are available to help both women and men over the age of 18.
We are available to help both women and men over the age of 18.
Stephen Ministers: The After People
Stephen Ministers are volunteer lay caregivers trained in their congregations to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people going through difficult times in life. Stephen Ministers come into a person’s life after a crisis—listening, comforting, and caring for as long as needed.
Since 1975, more than 600,000 people from more than 13,000 congregations and other organizations have been trained as Stephen Ministers.
Since 1975, more than 600,000 people from more than 13,000 congregations and other organizations have been trained as Stephen Ministers.
Please contact the church office (314-432-8700) , Carol Kappel (cakappel563@gmail.com), or fill out the form below if you would like more information about Stephen Ministry or would like to receive care from a Stephen Minister.
More Ways to Help
Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual care that people need in times of crisis or difficulty. That Christian care is invaluable in helping the healing process. However, there are times when a person needs help which is beyond Stephen Minister's skillset.
That's when Stephen Ministers look for resources they can recommend to their Care Receivers.
Often times there are people in our own congregation who can provide help on a short term basis. People with expertise or are retired and desire to use their time and talents to help others and are willing to give a couple of hours would make excellent additions to our Resource Handbook. Some of these needs might be helping with transportation, childcare, finances, tax returns, home maintenance, budgeting, writing a resume, car repair, navigating social security or insurance, etc.
If you have a desire to help someone who is facing daily challenges and are willing to be included in our Stephen Ministry Resource Handbook, please contact Mary Bell (314-432-8700) or sign up online on the Stephen Ministry page of our website.
You would be providing a valuable service to a brother or sister in Christ.
That's when Stephen Ministers look for resources they can recommend to their Care Receivers.
Often times there are people in our own congregation who can provide help on a short term basis. People with expertise or are retired and desire to use their time and talents to help others and are willing to give a couple of hours would make excellent additions to our Resource Handbook. Some of these needs might be helping with transportation, childcare, finances, tax returns, home maintenance, budgeting, writing a resume, car repair, navigating social security or insurance, etc.
If you have a desire to help someone who is facing daily challenges and are willing to be included in our Stephen Ministry Resource Handbook, please contact Mary Bell (314-432-8700) or sign up online on the Stephen Ministry page of our website.
You would be providing a valuable service to a brother or sister in Christ.